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How I Praise 我全心讚美

國外詩歌 / Planetshakers

How I Praise 我全心讚美 詞曲:Joth Hunt Planetshakers This is how I praise You//我全心讚美祢 I throw my hands up//To You my Saviour//我高舉雙手 尊崇我救主 I'm gonna stand up//我立場堅定 And give You everything everything//向祢獻上一切所有 Everything all that I am//獻上我全人 This is how I praise You//我全心讚美祢 I'm going all in//毫無保留 Yeah I'm on fire//I'm gonna dive in//火熱赤誠 盡心竭力 And give You everything everything//向祢獻上一切所有 Everything all that I am//獻上我全人 'Cause I'm in love with You//因祢是我摯愛 I'm in love with You//祢是我摯愛 For all You've brought me through//風雨祢領我度過 My praise belongs to You//讚美全屬祢 This is how I praise You//我全心讚美祢 This is how I praise You//我全心讚美祢 Glory to the King//榮耀歸我王 Glory to the King//榮耀歸我王 To the One who reigns on high//至高主 統管萬有 Everybody sing//Let the praises ring//齊來歌頌 獻上讚美 To the One who reigns on high//尊崇至高掌權者 Glory to the King//榮耀歸我王 Glory to the King//榮耀歸我王 To the One who reigns on high//至高主 統管萬有 Everybody sing//Let the praises ring//齊來歌頌 獻上讚美 To the One who reigns on high//尊崇至高掌權者

影片上架日期: 2023年12月7日