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Glory Days

國外詩歌 / CityWorship

Glory Days 詞曲:Mark Kwan CityWorship I can feel it in the air\我感受祢的氣息 I can feel Your Spirit moving\感受祢聖靈運行 It's a tidal wave of glory\祢榮耀如波浪降臨 I want more\更多有祢 I can rest in Your river\在祢恩典河流安息 And find all I need, in You\一切所需在於祢 It’s a tidal wave of glory\祢榮耀如波浪降臨 I want more\更多有祢 No weapon formed against me\縱然利器興起 No word that’s raised against me\縱然話語攻擊 Will ever take away my victory\我仍然靠著祢得勝有餘 'Cause in You I live\因權柄屬祢 In You I breathe\氣息屬祢 There’s nothing that can stand between\沒有什麼能奪去 Your goodness, mercy, love and me\祢恩慈大愛與憐憫 Not one thing can separate\無人能叫祢我分離 The veil is torn away\我無需再恐懼 I live in glory days\活在祢榮耀裡 So I raise my hands up high\高舉雙手敬拜祢 As I pour my praise before You\高聲讚美來歌頌祢 Make my life a sacrifice\將生命獻為活祭 Come and fill my heart with more\願我心更多有祢

影片上架日期: 2023年9月26日