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As Long As I Live 我一生年日

國外詩歌 / JPCC Worship

As Long As I Live 我一生年日 詞曲:Sydney Mohede JPCC Worship Let me enter in Your place/讓我進入祢聖所 With all the weak and strong and young and old/無論我是剛強或軟弱 The rich and poor and tired souls /貧窮富有 我仰望祢 Leave my worries on the floor/脫去我一切擔憂 Let my faith be strong as I'm covered by/賜我信心力量 Your grace abound and love so strong/以恩典 完全慈愛 來護庇我 Now I lay down my life to honor/我願成為活祭 And worship in this place/用生命尊榮敬拜祢 And I'm down on my knees to bring this/我俯伏祢面前 Offering and praise/要獻上我全心讚美 Holy, holy, God almighty/聖潔 聖潔 全能君王 The earth be filled with/願全地充滿榮耀光明 Peace and Glory/榮耀光明 Mercy Grace and Love surround me/恩惠慈愛永不離開 Your name be honored/我一生年日 As long as I live/都要尊榮祢

影片上架日期: 2023年8月9日