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演奏版詩歌 / 蕭東山 楊燦明

禱告良辰 Sweet Hour of Prayer 作曲:William W. Walford 作詞:William Batchelder Bradbury 編曲:許治民 - 禱告良辰禱告良辰 在此我將世慮推辭 我今俯伏天父座前 諸般心願對主明言 在遇苦難憂愁之際 屢得平安慰我心意 魔網屢脫總不延遲 我惟靠此禱告良辰 禱告良辰禱告良辰 祢翅帶去我心言詞 一直送到施恩座前 為得恩惠幫助慈憐 主既命我尋其聖面 敬聽其言常賴其眷 將我諸慮託主扶持 我惟專待禱告良辰 Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer That calls me from a world of care And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known In seasons of distress and grief My soul has often found relief And oft escaped the tempter's snare By Thy return Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer Thy wings shall my petition bear To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless With such I hasten to the place Where God my Savior shows His face And gladly take my station there And wait for Thee Sweet hour of prayer - 演奏:蕭東山、楊燦明

影片上架日期: 2022年6月1日