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Deck The Halls 裝飾大廳

Deck The Halls 裝飾大廳 編曲:Alice Parker & Robert Shaw - Deck the halls with boughs of holly//家家青松滿庭歡喜 Tis the season to be jolly//人人快樂處處平安 Don we now our gay appeal//我們穿上節日的盛裝 Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol//唱起古老的聖誕歌 See the blazing Yule before us//聖誕節的氣息日漸濃重 Strike the harp and join the chorus//彈起豎琴和大家一起唱歌 Follow me in merry measure//跟我一起 為了節日翩翩起舞吧 While I tell of Christmas treasure//當我說起聖誕禮物 Fast away the old year passes//過去一年如梭地飛逝了 Hail the new, ye lads and lasses//男孩女孩啊 讓我們迎接新年吧 Sing we joyous all together//我們一同歡唱 Heedless of the wind or weather//不論天氣多麼寒冷 - 演唱:東海大學路思義合唱家 指揮:Philip Rice
