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Pat A Pan 笛鼓頌讚

Pat A Pan 笛鼓頌讚 詞曲:Bernard De La Monnoye 編曲:Rosalind Hall, CJ Madsen 短笛:蘇翊婷 小鼓:林語晏 鋼琴:洪小涵、官芝玲 Willie, bring your little drum 威利 帶上你的小鼓 Robin, bring your fife and come 羅賓 帶著笛子一起來 Now we play the fife and drum 打鼓吹笛齊頌讚 Tu-re-lu-re-lu (吹笛聲) Pat-a-pat-a-pan (打鼓聲) When we hear the fife and drum 聽聞笛鼓歡慶聲 We will know that Christ has come 當知耶穌已降生 As the men of olden days 昔有萬方來朝拜 Let us sing a song of praise 今我高唱讚美歌 Now we play the fife and drum 打鼓吹笛齊頌讚 Tu-re-lu-re-lu (吹笛聲) Pat-a-pat-a-pan (打鼓聲) When we hear the fife and drum 聽聞笛鼓歡慶聲 We will know that Christ has come 當知耶穌已降生 God and man are now as one 道成肉身 人神一體 More at one than fife and drum 合一更甚鼓與笛 Now we play the fife and drum 打鼓吹笛齊頌讚 Tu-re-lu-re-lu (吹笛聲) Pat-a-pat-a-pan (打鼓聲) When we hear the fife and drum 聽聞笛鼓歡慶聲 We will know that Christ has come 當知耶穌已降生 Willie, bring your little drum 威利 帶上你的小鼓 Robin, bring your fife and come 羅賓 帶著笛子一起來 Now we play the fife and drum 打鼓吹笛齊頌讚 Tu-re-lu-re-lu (吹笛聲) Pat-a-pat-a-pan (打鼓聲) When we hear the fife and drum 聽聞笛鼓歡慶聲 We will know that Christ has come 當知耶穌已降生

影片上架日期: 2024年5月22日